Active Clients
Accord Solutions
Accord Solutions has developed a product that offers tamper resistance for code and data from compromise from reverse engineering and hacking techniques. This product - Crypto Reduced Instruction Set Trusted Computer (CRIPTC) is a secure processor that directly executes encrypted code. Each stage is encoded differently so that the attacker must break each stage. This unique execution model gives CRIPTC machines a strong resistance to side channel attacks.
Point of Contact: Carl Murphy: carl.murphy@accordsol.com
Company Web Site: www.accordsol.com
Admiral Fluidics
Admiral Fluidics has developed a breakthrough, proprietary marine propulsion technology using blade, linkage, and balancing to resolve numerous traditional propeller problems. Prototypes have demonstrated efficiencies of seven times that of traditional rotating propellers.
Point of Contact: David Horrigan: davehorrigan@cox.net
Company Web Site: www.horriganlabs.com
IT solutions including cybersecurity protection, cloud-based applications, datamining, system integration, and legacy system modernization.
Point of Contact: Joyce Tang: jtang@agilisit.com
Company Web Site: www.agilisit.com
ai-one's artificial intelligence technology enables machines to detect and understand patterns and associations in complex data sets. This technology has a broad range of applications to automate identification of anomalies and hidden relationships. The technology works with any data in any format - text, visual, radio frequency, etc. The system "learns" at the time of data ingestion. The technology is available as a software development kit that enables programmers to build machine learning into other applications.
Point of Contact: Olin Hyde: oh@ai-one.com
Company Web Site: www.ai-one.com
American Lithium Energy Corp.
Development and manufacture of lithium-ion batteries for a variety of uses, shapes and environments.
Point of Contact: Jiang Fan: jfan@americanlithiumenergy.com
Company Web Site: www.americanlithiumenergy.com
ATA Engineering
ATA Engineering is a provider of analysis and test-driven design solutions focusing on the engineering needs of major manufacturers in addressing their cost, quality, and time-to-market challenges for mechanical and aerospace systems. We help customers in aerospace, defense, automotive, biomedical, entertainment and consumer products industries. ATA is a recognized leader in the development of innovative test and analysis methods for aerospace and defense structures, including model and dynamic testing of aircraft. Examples of structural analysis and design include: composite structure to isolate payload from launch vehicle vibration; rapidly deployable bridge system; aircraft fatigue life predictions; continuous wave seat cushion.
Point of Contact: Tricia Sur: tricia.sur@ata-e.com
Company Web Site: www.Ata-e.com
Creative Electron
Creative Electron's scientific staff are experts in signal processing, radiation detection and x-ray inspection systems, conductive adhesives. The sound and ultrasound signal processing expertise has lead to the Medical Voice Recorder providing first responders with unprecedented signal-to- noise ratio improvements in harsh environments.
Point of Contact: Bill Cardoso: bcard@creativeelectron.com
Company Web Site: www.creativeelectron.com
DreamHammer has built a full end -to- end heterogeneous, multi-domain service oriented architecture that provides fully autonomous, open, extensible collaborative command and control of any unmanned asset. The system called Ballista, is a software solution that is platform independent, scalable for any mission size, and integrates both new and legacy systems.
Point of Contact: Larry Osborn: losborn@dreamhammer.com
Company Web Site: www.dreamhammer.com
ENT Technologies
ENT is creating and piloting a decentralized, owner-driven trust architecture that empowers creators to directly map command and control authorizations into a more trustworthy digital system. The architecture encompasses identity, ownership, storage, and connections. Owners connect to others directly, peer-to-peer, without any third party central authority. The result is security, scalability, interoperability, and low-latency micro networks.
Point of Contact: Anne Nowlin: anne.nowlin@ent.net
Company Web Site: www.ent.net
ESTA Corporation
Engineering Solutions & Technology Applications Corp. provides solutions for product lifecycle management focusing on aircraft modification, maintenance, repair, and overhaul. Expertise includes corrosion damage evaluation and repair.
Point of Contact: Ricardo Mendoza: rick.mendoza.812@gmail.com
Company Web Site: www.estacorp.com
Fuse Integration
Network solutions for air, land and sea, including virtualization. Integration of dissimilar sensors and data sources over military RF links, including maritime domain surveillance.
Point of Contact: Sumner Lee: sumner.lee@fuseintegration.com
Company Web Site: www.fuseintegration.com
GattaCo, LLC
GattaCo is a key participant in an international collaboration involved in the development and commercialization of diagnostics for the detection of exposure to ionizing radiation. This collaboration is developing a new rapid radiobioassay for detecting radioactivity in biological samples. With access to proprietary technology and international markets, GattaCo is also building relationships to co-develop, license or distribute related products for detecting biomarkers associated with tissue damage caused by radiation exposure.
Point of Contact: Michael McNeely: michael.mcneely@gattaco.com
Company Web Site: www.gattaco.com
This company offers real-time Geospatial Analytics from multiple sources. Unlike conventional pattern recognition techniques the data does not degrade when there are a large number of heterogeneous items and when many categories and attributes are involved. Geodetics currently provides positioning and navigation solutions to the U.S. Army which are used in test and training exercises comprising hundreds to thousands of participants including dismounted soldiers and manned/unmanned low dynamic vehicles.
Point of Contact: Lydia Bock: Lydia@geodetics.com
Company Web Site: www.geodetics.com
Gnostech Inc.
The company has developed an Information Assurance tool to support the physical security needs of classified spaces through development of Disclock. Disclock is a CD/DVD scanning tool that can check for both viruses, malicious code and whether or not the optical media is read-only. To support the integrity of the tool the CD/DVD would be visually marked by the device to ensure that the media is authorized to enter/leave the classified area.
Point of Contact: JP Stefani: jpstefani@gnostech.com
Company Web Site: www.gnostech.com
Innovation Digital
Innovation Digital provides cutting-edge digital signal processing solutions to overcome the limitations of analog systems and to achieve system and component performance significantly beyond the current state-of-the-art. They have developed six main proprietary signal processing architectures and algorithms which include: advanced filter bank analog to digital conversion; linearity error compensation; adaptive linearization for high power amplifiers; Adaptive sign cancellation; adaptive parallel for analog to digital conversion; and adaptive digitizer for cognitive radio systems.
Point of Contact: Scott Valazquez: scottv@innovationdigital.com
Company Web Site: www.innovationdigital.com
Instrumart is a leading supplier of industrial test and measurement instrumentation. They supply tactical fuel flow meters to DoD customers. The meters help to measure fuel receipts and disbursements at remote locations around the world where typical flow measurement instruments are not available. The company has a contract with the US Marine Corps for $3.2 million to supply nearly 2,000 meters around the world.
Point of Contact: Duncan Adamson: dadamson@instrumart.com
Company Web Site: www.instrumart.com
Integrated Consultants, Inc.
ICI provides mechanical and electrical systems design and prototype development. Services include hardware and software systems integration, sensor design, test and evaluation, and rapid prototyping.
Point of Contact: David Aberizk: daberizk@icpoc.com
Company Web Site: www.integratedconsultants.com
Knowledge Made Solutions
This company has developed CyberSA – a web based management prototype that allows network administrators to create policies based on specific users, applications, or specific computers. The policies control access privileges yet can grant temporary privileges allowing access to the normally locked-down ActiveX control so that the application can function properly while the level of security remains high. Currently most competing systems allow administrators to lock down PCs and servers that rely on complex, difficult-to-audit schemes using policies driven by a directory services which involve the creation of granular policies using native operating system tools that are tedious and may be unenforceable.
Point of Contact: : Lillian Maestas: lmaestas@knowledgemade.com
Company Web Site: www.knowledgemade.com
Metron, Inc.
Metron's expertise in mathematical search theory has been demonstrated in several high-visibility, successful searches. Metron has most recently developed applications for mobile devices.
The SARApp search and rescue application runs on smart phones and using GPS, records the searcher's position at regular intervals and links to the command center. The situational awareness and geo-tagging capabilities make SARApp well-suited for tasks where data collected in the field needs to be viewed on a map by fellow users.
Point of contact: Colleen Keller: keller@ca.metsci.com
Company Web Site: www.metsci.com
Micro USA Inc.
Micro USA is developing an EO system for locating surface and submerged objects in coastal waters and open oceans from aerial platforms. The technology can be applied in the detection of swimmers, mines, mini-subs, search and rescue operations, ISR, force protection and drug interdiction operations. The company has technical expertise in radar, RF and Digital Signal Processing, obsolescence mitigation and value engineering.
Point of Contact: Arjun Jain: arjun@microusa.us
Company Web Site: www.microusa.us
Nu-Trek, Inc.
Develops state-of-the-art integrated circuits for complex defense applications for (1)navigation, principally RF front ends for GPS receivers that enable operations in the presence of jamming, spoofing, and obscured environments. (2) Readout ICs for imagers providing very high resolution with 2 colors and 2 speeds.
Point of Contact: Miriam Rauch: Miriam.rauch@nu-trek.com
Company Web Site: www.nu-trek.com
Ocean Aero, Inc.
Designing and testing a Unmanned Underwater and Surface Vessel for defense and commercial markets. Autonomous and highly persistent. Capable of asset and oceanographic monitoring and mapping using a variety of mission defined sensors. Wind and solar powered.
Point of Contact: Eric Patten: eapatten@oceanaero.us
Company Web Site: oceanaero.us/
Pacific Blue Innovations
Early stage company with technologies for: dual-mode (lethal/non-lethal) grenade, camouflage for underwater applications, sensors for underwater applications.
Point of Contact: Gary Abramov: gary@pacblueinnovation.com
Pixon Imaging, Inc.
Pixon has developed image enhancement products that are being sold into the defense and security markets. The products provide greatly improved vision for enhanced command, control, intelligence, and reconnaissance. The company's products allow the user to see through fog and glare, blowing dust, snow, rain and murky water. The technology can also undo atmospheric or diffraction blue and see simultaneously into deep shadows and glare.
Point of Contact: Rick Puetter: rick.puetter@pixonimaging.com
Company Web Site: www.pixonimaging.com
SciFly, LLC
Customized flight services to test, demonstrate, and apply advanced C4ISR payloads to a variety of airborne vehicles for customers working in defense and Homeland Security markets.
Point of Contact: Austin Blue: ablue@sciflyllc.com
Company Web Site: www.sciflyllc.com
Seacoast Science, Inc.
Seacoast Science is focused on the next-generation of chemical sensor and chemical detection devices for a variety of markets including leak detection, military homeland security, air quality monitoring and emission gas detection. The core technology is based on MEMS-based capacitive platform. The company has produced a handheld detector system that weight less than 4 ounces yet is rugged enough to be deployed aboard unmanned air vehicles or individual soldiers. The handheld product can also be utilized in fixed locations such as office building entrances, factories, and airports. The MEMS based chemical detectors have the following advantages over existing technologies including: robustness, low power requirements, low cost, smart sensors that calibrates the output signals and corrects for humidity and temperature effects, small size, and selectivity.
Point of Contact: Christoper Niedre: chris@seacoastscience.com
Company Web Site: www.seacoastscience.com
Space Micro
The company has developed highly reliable computers and RF communications systems that can survive launch and operate in the harsh environments of space. Many of their products have successfully flown on spacecraft or are waiting launch. They have develo9ped patented technologies to mitigate radiation effects of commercial electronics. They also offer the world’s fastest line of space radiation hardened computers. Existing customers include Air Force, Navy, NASA, Lockheed Martine, Orbital Sciences, Goodrich, Northrop Grumman and Boeing.
Point of Contact: Michael Jacox: mjacox@spacemicro.com
Company Web Site: www.spacemicro.com
Spectral Labs Incorporated
The company has designed and conducted thorough qualification testing on the Next Generation Air Particle Detector Prototype. Other products include the Realistic, Adaptive, interactive Learning Systems (RAILS) which is a comprehensive software simulation based learning system for us in training Law Enforcement, Coast Guard, Border Patrol, and Hazmat Teams in the use of Personal radiation Detectors and Radioactive Isotope Identification Devices. They have also developed a System for Lithium Ion Battery Monitoring and Management to Prevent Catastrophic Failures.
Point of Contact: Jim Winso: winsoj@spectrallabs.com
Company Web Site: www.spectrallabs.com
This company is involved in maritime security and emergency response equipment, training, and consulting. Their capability is with developing and testing innovative technologies in support of maritime port security search, validations, rendering safe and disposing of underwater harardous devices. Tetac is currently conducting R&D for a number of tools in support of maritime operations. These tools include: mine countercharges, limpet percussion actuated neutralizers, blast containment devices and imaging sonars. The company also offers a Maritime Tactical Remote Operator Course for emergency response personnel.
Point of Contact: Mark Benson: mark.benson@tetacinc.com
Company Web Site: www.tetacinc.com
Trabus Technologies
Engineering and operational expertise includes: wireless communications, signal processing, cyber security, software development, program management.
Point of Contact: Joe Celano: joec@trabus.com
Company Web Site: www.trabus.com
Veracity Security Systems
The Veracity Touchscreener provides the next evolution in truth verification and deception detection based on biometric technology to assess the users emotional reaction to a set of investigative questions. Ideal for high volume, low-cost preliminary screening. Provides threat detection and deterrents. Customizable for a particular application and language.
Point of Contact: Austin Blue: ablue@veracitysecurity.com
Company Web Site: www.veracitysecurity.com
Vision Robotics Corporation
Vision Robotics develops autonomous robotics solutions using vision (including stereo vision) as the primary sensor for having the robot learn and interact with the environment. They have developed an extensive library of software and technology that can be deployed for complex task automation. The company has also developed a 3-D stereo vision based SLAM that has been implemented in a consumer vacuum cleaner and transferred to a module for military UGV mapping applications.
Point of Contact: Bret Wallach: bweallach@visionrobotics.com
Company Web Site: www.visionrobotics.com
Previously Supported Clients
Anchor Audio, Inc.
Anchor Audio is a leading manufacturer of portable, public address systems, wired and wireless intercoms and lecterns. The company's technology is focused on delivering highly intelligible communication in rugged portable packages. Current product development efforts are targeting fire fighting and search and rescue markets. Intended DoD applications for new products will focus on battlefield rated products which are water and sand proof, designed to support field requirements and are easy to carry and operate.
Point of Contact: David Jacobs: davidj@anchoraudio.com
Company Web Site: www.anchoraudio.com
Avalon RF
Products for robust HD wireless links for video, audio, and data links for moving objects such as UAV systems.
Point of Contact: Gurunath Mujumdar: guru@avalonrf.com
Company Web Site: www.avalonrf.com
Bostan Research, Inc.
Mission to design, demonstrate and field medium to high speed vertical and landing (VTOL) UAV gyro stabilized by a rotating disk. Patent granted for "Gyro-Stabilized Air Vehicle". Prototype has been flown.
Point of Contact: Nick Bostan: nickbostan@aol.com
GET Engineering
GET Engineering is the first to produce low cost signal conversion technology enabling a myriad of legacy devices which transmit and receive in assorted data formats over copper and coax cables, including Naval Tactical Data Systems, to now output and input through Net-Centric TCP / IP data packets. GET custom solutions include developing new hardware and new software for existing systems, and on-site engineering support.
Point of contact: Frank DeBaca: fdebaca@getntds.com
Company Web Site: www.getntds.com
Imagine Media Group
This company is developing a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) product that will enabled intelligent software agents to support Collaborative C4ISR operations. The technology will provide methodologies and tools for defining concepts and relationships of a military enterprise in a machine readable format that will enable personnel and intelligent software agents to share, reuse, and apply military knowledge. It will enable the collaboration among large diverse and dynamic groups for C4ISR purposes; secure and coordinated policy management environment for command and control; and data fusion and analysis for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
Point of Contact: Ray F. Rodriguez: ray@imgnetworks.com
Company Web Site: www.imgnetworks.com
Langford & Carmichael
Langford & Carmichael is a strategic business consulting firm specializing in program, project, risk and change management. ScenGen is a software application that can be applied at any point in the software development life cycle to dramatically reduce the probability of errors. ScenGen has proven the ability to automate the execution of system test scenarios at 20 to 100 times human speed.
ScenGen was awarded the CONNECT 2011 Most Innovative New Product award for the Aerospace and Security Category.
Point of Contact: Linda Clark: lclark@langford-carmichael.com
Company Web Site: www.langford-carmichael.com
Novatron, Inc.
Novatron manufactures high end air sterilization equipment that uses ultra violet (UV) technology. The company’s advanced UV systems incorporate technology that rapidly and effectively destroys biological organisms in the air and is capable of producing kill levels in excess of 6-logs without the use of tradition filters. It provides the highest kill level of airborne biological organisms in the market today. Their system is currently in use at the Pentagon and a large pharmaceutical manufacturer in Puerto Rico.
Point of Contact: Penn Hulburd: penn@novatroninc.com
Company Web Site: www.novatroninc.com
Pomcor has created improvements to the Transport Layer Security protocol used to establish secure connections over TCP/IP networks. This improvement : shields data in CAC certificates from outside analysis; provides for more accurate control of UAVs; provides better performance of interactive applications over satellites and other bandwidth constrained environments.
Point of Contact: Francisco Corella: fcorella@pomcor.com
Company Web Site: www.pomcor.com
TSG Solutions
Interior and exterior data collection and visualization tools for situation awareness.Digital mapping for security, facilities, and construction.