Supporting Small Businesses in Developing Innovative Products & Services
The San Diego Regional Innovation Cluster, hosted at San Diego State University, is a collaboration of business, government, and academic expertise dedicated to helping small businesses with a location in San Diego County succeed in the Defense and Homeland Security marketplaces. The SDRIC helps small businesses developing and selling products and services for C4ISR [command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance], and of particular interest, for cyber security, autonomous systems, and renewable energy needs.
The SDRIC invites San Diego small businesses to apply for support services at no cost to the company. Following intake and enrollment, the SDRIC and the company will agree on market development goals and supporting services, and initiate a long term partnership intended to evolve over time in support of the company’s progress and needs.
Initial program initiatives called the San Diego Advanced Defense Technologies Cluster (SDADT) and the Network for Enabling Small Business Teaming (NEST) are now included in the SDRIC.